Ad Tracking

Why is Ad Tracking so important?

ad trackingIn today’s current economic environment, wasted advertising spend simply isn’t as acceptable as it might have once been.  Ad Tracking with CallTraxPlus allows you to closely monitor the success of any campaign and make intelligent decisions about continuation of either the ad or the particular media outlet that is being used.  Branding campaigns are still important, but accomplishing both the branding mission as well as a call to action mission in every campaign is now more important than ever.  Advertising dollars simply cannot be wasted on "feel good" ad campaigns.  Return on Investment (ROI) is is a requirement.  Without effective Ad Tracking of all forms of responses to a given campaign there is no way to insure you are meeting the ROI goals that you have established.

Ad Tracking Gives Managers the Information They Need

Marketing Directors and Managers need information.  The scrutiny placed on them in today’s boardroom to deliver is greater than ever.  CallTraxPlus give you the in-depth reports that allow you to verify your advertising ™ and justify your spending. 

CallTraxPlus comprehensive Ad Tracking and reporting gives you the ammunition that you need to walk into the board room and clearly show why you make the decisions that you make.  You do a good job and now you can prove it. 

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